“I don’t think the beast has gone down to Florida yet,” said Alex, the guy who was in charge of the statues for Disney World.

“The Beauty and the Beast Statue? We need that immediately? You know how much children are dying outside our gates? The children who’ve watched OUR movie, and wanted to see them come to life? THEIR imaginations, made possible because of Disney World? I do NOT want to ruin a child’s dreams. We have to have the new exhibit made before Monday!” Walt exclaimed.

“I’m sorry Walt, but trucks can’t move that fast. Our truck drivers are still driving from New York City to Florida, and they’ve been involved in an accident,” Alex slowly and calmly said.

“Are you kidding me Alex? Today is Saturday. We need it by tomorrow so the exhibit can go up on Monday! Can you please get another truck! We need that statue delivered in 5 hours! Where did the accident occur?” Walt asked very curiously.

“It happened at Newark, right outside of New York,” Alex said.

“WHAT? IT’S STILL IN JERSEY? WE HAVE 5 HOURS TO BRING THE STATUE HERE TO GET READY, AND IT’S STILL IN NEW JERSEY?” said Walt. He was bursting in anger. He felt so mad. He was going to lose so much money, and so much families would refund tickets if the exhibit was not done. He kept thinking, but did not know what to do, until Alex had an idea.

“Hey Walt, why don’t you calm down, and we’ll get a jet to fly the statue all the way down here to Orlando?” Alex thought.

“A jet? Are you sure it will fit a 100-foot long statue? How will we put it in the jet? You want it to be sitting above the jet? Do you think that’s funny to have a Beauty and the Beast Statue just casually sit above a jet, going above the ocean, to Orlando? I think it’s really funny to see that on a jet,” Walt said sarcastically.

“Well, it is kind of funny. I mean, it’s a tiny 20 foot jet, with this enormous statue above it. Wouldn’t that be funny?” asked Alex. Walt did not look in a good mood. He was frowning at Alex. “Ok, fine Walt. You know what? I’ll just quit this job. Every time I have to bring a statue here, you always yell at me, or disapprove of the statue. This is such a stupid job too. Who in the world would want to choose how to transport a statue from place to place everyday? There’s not even enough pay! I. QUIT.” Alex furiously said.

“Woah woah woah, slow down. Hold up! We are just trying to make an exhibition, and there’s no time for your drama! Get to work!” Walt scolded.

“Well I already quit this job, so I’ll never see you or this job again. Disney World is so stupid anyways! It’s only meant for kids! Bye, Walt!” Alex strictly said. Alex walked out his office. He was walking home, but Walt did not care. He just wanted the statue in Disney World. Walt’s advisor came into his office.

“Walt! Alex was very upset and he walked out for some reason! He threw away his work hats too!” his advisor said.

“Don’t worry about him, he’ll be back. And if he isn’t we don’t need him. He was useless anyways,” said Walt.

“Well, why was he so upset though?” asked his advisor.

“I was very upset at him for not bringing the statue on time. But it’s not my fault, it’s his. All the time. He messes up all the shipments!” exclaimed Walt.

“Sir, do you realize that the Beauty and the Beast exhibition is already done?” the advisor curiously asked.

“What? It is? Well then, BRING BACK ALEX!” Walt screamed. Just as he said that, he noticed that Alex was staring at him through a window, dressed up like a child.

Through the window, Alex was pretending to be a happy, young child coming to Disney World. Alex said in a little child’s voice, “Hey! I purchased a ride but I want to refund it. I also want to refund my entire life wasted by working here! That’ll be $1,000,000! Do you have that money, Walt?”

Walt got so furious at Alex. He did not like how he was acting like this. “OF COURSE I HAVE ENOUGH MONEY! NOW GET BACK HERE AND DO YOUR JOB! STOP PRETENDING TO BE A CHILD! YOU’RE SO ANNOYING.”

Alex went back to his normal voice, and said, “I’m annoying? You are the definition of annoying! Bye, Walt! Forever, now.” Alex ran into the magical world of Disney, like a child, and realized how much he contributed to all this. He stopped for a moment, and saw that it wasn’t too bad here. Walt chased him, and Alex ran. He continued to run. Through all the parks in Disney World, through everything he’s worked hard towards. He ran.