“How long are you willing to chill before you get it?“
It’s a phrase the infuriates many,
Since no one wants to wait.

Literally everyday we have to wait,
At the constant eagerness of awaiting what is next.
It can be for better or worse,
But waiting always leads to something.

In school, you have to wait at least 12 years of your life to be free,
It is a constant grind for these years,
And it can feel like it will never end.
At the end you are given only a piece of paper,
For all your hardships in those years.
But most of the time you will be ready,
For the intimidating next step in life.

After waiting, only to work a boring 9 to 5.
But some people get lucky,
As their job is their passion,
In which, people believe will be possible,
But little people achieve.

For material items,
No one wants to wait.
Everyone wants wealth.
This may be nice, but wealth is just objectual in retrospect.
Most people blow their earnings immediately,
Living paycheck to paycheck,
Not paying for themselves first.

So overall,
It really depends on what waiting is to someone,
Whether people should wait or not,
If it is your time to not chill anymore,
And break away,
Your time is now.