“How long are you willing to chill before you get it?”

“Not long; I need it bro. I cannot live without it.”

Tim’s phone flashed black. Dead battery. His flesh turned hot like a pressure cooker ready to explode.
What else could go wrong with today.

Without a distraction, Tim’s attention was brought to the world around him. A bright orange beam of light caught his eye. Now, he noticed the abundance of lights surrounding him. Emerald and ruby lights decorated the people he blamed for his bad day. Pink signs buzzed as Tim’s headache throbbed.

This is the worst day.

The scent of sweet sugar wafted into Tim’s nose. His red eyes watered. The decadent temptations in the display case only made him more frustrated. He felt as if there was a small goblin in his stomach causing him agony. Tim’s arms crossed and his foot tapped. It’s been five minutes and he still hasn’t gotten anywhere.

How long could it take? This is ridiculous.

He noticed the man in front of him, and for a moment Tim found himself at ease. The old man wore a dark green sports coat and black wind pants. A fedora covered the little hair left on his head. He hummed an unrecognizable tune. Tim, for only a moment, was distracted from his own dilemma.
The old man took one step forward. The sudden movement startled Tim, and his focus drifted from the random stranger. He was back in the fighting ring, battling against his temptation and his impatience. As his attention span reached its breaking point, he became aware of every sense: a sand storm tackled his eyes. Suddenly, both of his feet were on fire. The exposed skin of his hands faced the pricks of needles, as if he reached his hand into a bowl of tacs. The lights were too overwhelming; pink flashes, white flashes, orange flashes. Tim’s mind was in hyperdrive, switching from sense to sense. Though, the worst of them all was the abundance of chatter. People passing behind him talking to their partners; children whining to their parents to get them one more treat; cars outside racing to get out of the parking lot. From an outside perspective of anyone else around him, they would have seen an average man casually waiting. To Tim, the shop around him did not exist. The flashing lights, chatter, and pain were his reality.
“Large coffee with cream for Tim.”

In an instant, his once reality of complete discomfort and irritation melted away. Taking a second to compose himself, he easily walked up to the counter to grab his fuel. With the warm cup in his hands, he slowly brought the vessel to his parched lips. The bitter flow of the creamy delight warmed Tim’s body, all the way down to his toes. Seemingly floating through the door, a grin formed on his face. Tim got his coffee, and he was ready for the day.