“Old people do that. Old people”

“I know, right?” said Johnathan. “I mean, who else would do that?”

“Yeah,” said Chris.

“Who paints their cars, I mean wagons like that anymore?” said Stan.

“Your family does, remember? Everyone can see that old hunk of junk in your front yard,” said Johnathan.

“Yeah, bu-”

“Look who’s talking! A member of a family that owns junk!”


“Stan, you shouldn’t even be talking”

“That’s IT”

A moment of awkward silence followed…

“My family may own junk, but that’s my grandparents’, and my dad spent his entire childhood in that thing!!”

More silence, with a small crowd growing.

“At least I care about my family! And my Dad cares about his family!” raged Stan. “Do you even think about your brother, Chris?!”

Chris’ face turn red immediately. Stan turned and faced Johnathan.

“ And you, John. Do you even care about your mother? She was the one who raised you up. She was the one who gets heartbroken every time you get bad grades and detention. Do you two ever thought about your siblings? Your parents? What about your grandparents? Have you two even think about them anymore? Do you guys even remember the time you spent with them when you’re just a child?”

A crowd formed around the three. Both Johnathan and Chris’ face are tomato red.

“If you don’t even care about your family, then you shouldn’t even belong in your family!” Stan continued. “Think about it! Think about how much your family have to sacrifice for you two dummies! If you don’t treat them like a family, you might just be as well as the homeless!!”

A long moment of silence followed, with the background of crowd slowly fades away…