I don’t think the beast has gone down to Florida yet but apparently my wife does. I think we should go try to hide in Florida but my wife won’t let us, she says we should go to Canada to hide but I’ve been trying to tell her there are already beasts there but she just won’t listen.

The beast has been working its way west ever since Kim Jong Un tried to create a monster to attack western civilization, however it did mass destruction all over Europe and Asia because North Korea couldn’t figure out how to control it. After years of news about the beast and it’s army terrorizing Europe and Asia all the news stopped for about 2 months, everyone thought it was over something happened and is was stopping but that was just the beginning.

One month later it began, terror all over northern North America just above the U.S.A. terror just like in Europe and Asia so everyone started going south and today was the day my family was going to leave until my wife got paranoid, she says we have to stay that everything we’ve ever had was here but she thinks the beast is going to somehow go south with everyone and if we stay put we’ll be saved but I don’t think so.

Oh well I have to go try to save my family, god help us.

Apocalypse day: 73
Beast Population: About 2,000,000
Human Population: Who the hell knows