“I can’t take you to the park sweetie because the Giants are about to start playing.”

The giants are a new race of aliens, the DHS has set most of the parks aside for the giants from 11 a.m.-8 p.m. and therefore my little girl and I can’t go. These giants showed up 3 months ago and we humans are still getting used to it, especially the kids. The giants supposedly came from a planet they call Alpha 4, which is not known to humans. They say it got raided by a bigger force and they are coming for every other planet in order to rule the world. They don’t like to share about this recent event because half of their population was killed by this bigger force.

The only one that knows what truly happened is the leader of the giants, and he doesn’t like to share it much. The last time someone tried to talk to him about it he threw a bus through a wall, and they are the same size as us. We now have to live with these savages with anger management problems. They have blocked off all of the states of Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, and the Dakotas for their living space, which is approximately 1.6 billion giants. We have tried making friends with them but they are too primitive, they speak an unknown language and don’t understand English.