“You’re going to need these. You know you will.”

You’re going to need these, you know you will,
you’re going to need to understand the truths that are universally known but never fronted,
that everybody hides, lies, and covers up
their unbearable humanity;
their mistakes, their messiness.
So don’t worry, you’re so far from alone,
embrace the private world
the one everyone cowers from,
own it, and don’t let it own you.
Let the uncomfortable words circulate your mind
create, explore, and expose
sit with the supernatural darkness of society’s rules,
of the earliest mornings void of sun.
Accept yourself in your flaws, and your mistakes
cultivate connection, creation
break the boundaries untouched by fear,
Protected by unbearable, awkward, harsh, truth
No one accepts life as it is;
No one Embraces the true complexity of our own nature,
of our emotions,
So devour life’s Petty grievances,
but don’t worry if you choke;
these things are hard to swallow