“It will be easy money!” he said
“Don’t worry honey.”

They had always struggled with money
And the things that they would do were kinda funny

19 and 20 and living somewhere they didn’t know,
but there wasn’t a single place they wouldn’t go.

These were their young years,
rich in experience and poor in fears.

An electrician and a waitress,
living a life that was weightless.

Stripping wire to sell for money,
If you saw them now you’d think it’s crummy.

‘Cause now they have a family,
and now they live stable financially

They no longer struggle
and money is something they no longer have to juggle.

They don’t need to strip wire for rent,
but this life may leave them more discontent.

Now 50 and 51,
their life is nowhere close to done.

It’s strange to think of their life before me,
‘Cause I know I would look at my mother and think who is she?

I often wonder where they will go,
But only God can know.